NR 120.08(2)(c) (c) Submittal of watershed plan to DATCP, county and other governmental units. Within 45 days after the public informational hearing, the department shall submit the draft watershed plan to DATCP for comment; to the appropriate county or counties for approval; and at the discretion of the department, to other governmental units for review and comment.
NR 120.08(2)(d) (d) County approval of watershed plan. Within 60 days of receipt of the draft watershed plan, the appropriate county shall approve, conditionally approve or reject the watershed plan. If the county conditionally approves or rejects the watershed plan, the department may revise the watershed plan to address the issues identified.
NR 120.08(2)(e) (e) Submittal of watershed plan to land and water conservation board. A copy of the county approved plan shall be submitted to the land and water conservation board created under s. 15.135 (4), Stats., for its approval.
NR 120.08(2)(f) (f) Final approval of individual county plan. Upon receiving the approval of the land and water conservation board, the department shall approve the final plan for the priority watershed or priority lake area in accordance with s. 281.65 (5m), Stats. The date that the secretary of the department signs the approval letter to the project sponsors marks the beginning of eligibility for funding for implementation. Notwithstanding par. (d), the department may approve the watershed plan for individual counties in multi-county watershed projects if the respective county approves the watershed plan.
NR 120.08(3) (3)Areawide water quality management plan revision. After approval of the detailed program for implementation, the watershed plan shall be approved as a revision to the areawide water quality management plan for the appropriate basin as described in ss. NR 121.07 and 121.08.
NR 120.08(4) (4)Watershed plan revision.
NR 120.08(4)(a)(a) Plan revisions may be initiated by either the governmental unit or the department. The approved watershed plan may be revised using the procedures in ss. NR 121.07 and 121.08 for amending areawide water quality management plans.
NR 120.08(4)(b) (b) Plan revisions which add or change criteria for critical sites shall be approved by the land and water conservation board and by every governmental unit which approved the original watershed plan.
NR 120.08(4)(c) (c) Plan revisions which add or change criteria for critical sites for projects which have fewer than 4 years remaining for implementation shall include a schedule for notification to landowners which will allow implementation of best management practices at the critical sites to be completed before the end of the nonpoint source grant period.
NR 120.08(4)(d) (d) The department shall approve or reject a governmental unit's request for a revision to the watershed project's detailed program for implementation within 90 days of receipt of the revision request.
NR 120.08 History History: CR 00-028: cr. Register September 2002 No. 561, eff. 10-1-02.
NR 120.09 NR 120.09Notification and status of critical sites.
NR 120.09(1)(1)Start of notification process. Within 6 months following issuance by the department of the first nonpoint source grant after department watershed plan approval to a project sponsor for a priority watershed or priority lake project, the process of notification to landowners shall begin. The first to begin the process shall be those highest-ranked critical sites based on estimated pollutant contribution, which together would provide at least 25% of the pollutant reduction goal for inventoried sites available at the time the final plan is written, if best management practices were applied at those sites. Notification shall proceed in accordance with the schedule identified in the plan. The department may grant up to three 90-day extensions of this 6 month period to allow verification under sub. (2).
NR 120.09(2) (2)Verification. The purpose of verification is to assure that individual sites within the watershed meet the criteria for critical sites and to conduct site visits and complete the inventory of nonpoint sources on additional lands in the watershed owned by those landowners with sites which meet the criteria for critical sites. If the landowner has not signed a cost-share agreement for required best management practices, the verification findings shall be reported in writing to the department. Verification shall include an on-site assessment before a notification letter can be issued.
NR 120.09(3) (3)Content of notification letter. Within 60 days after receiving the verification findings, the department shall send notification to the landowner to include the following information:
NR 120.09(3)(a) (a) The dates of the beginning and end of the 36-month period of cost-share availability.
NR 120.09(3)(b) (b) The potential consequences of either s. NR 120.18 (1) (a), ch. NR 243 or s. 281.20 (1), (3) or (5), Stats., that the landowner may face if no action is taken and the site continues to meet the critical sites criteria described in the watershed plan.
NR 120.09(3)(c) (c) The right to appeal the designation as a critical site through a written request to the county land conservation committee within 60 days of receipt of the notification letter as described in s. 281.65 (7) (a), (b) and (c), Stats.
NR 120.09(3)(d) (d) Additional information as requested and prepared by the local governmental unit.
NR 120.09(4) (4)Postponement of notification letter. The department shall postpone notification to any landowner who has signed a cost-share agreement and continues to comply with the annual progress and implementation schedules described in s. NR 120.13. If the landowner is responsible for failure to comply with the schedules, the department shall send the notification.
NR 120.09(5) (5)Completion of notification schedule. Notification to landowners shall be completed within 5 years and 60 days of the issuance of the first nonpoint source grant for the project after department plan approval.
NR 120.09(6) (6)Change in critical site status. A site is no longer considered a critical site if one of the following conditions applies:
NR 120.09(6)(a) (a) The site no longer meets the criteria for critical sites.
NR 120.09(6)(b) (b) The site has had best management practices implemented in accordance with the cost-share agreement.
NR 120.09(6)(c) (c) The department determines that the water quality objectives for the watershed have been achieved.
NR 120.09(7) (7)Prioritizing use of cost-share funds. By the end of the project implementation period, a project sponsor shall have offered cost-share funding to landowners, in accordance with this chapter, for the control of all critical sites. During the implementation period, this requirement applies if the total amount of cost-share funds made available to the project sponsor equals or exceeds the amount necessary to control all critical sites.
NR 120.09 History History: CR 00-028: cr. Register September 2002 No. 561, eff. 10-1-02.
NR 120.12 NR 120.12Nonpoint source grant agreement.
NR 120.12(1)(1)Grant agreement. The nonpoint source grant agreement is an agreement entered into between the department and a grantee, consisting either of a governmental unit or a state agency, to provide cost-share funding for a priority watershed or priority lake project. The nonpoint source grant agreement may be used in lieu of a cost-share agreement with a grantee for the installation of a structural practice on land owned or operated by the grantee. More than one nonpoint source grant agreement may be awarded for a project.
NR 120.12(2) (2)Conditions.
NR 120.12(2)(a)(a) Consistent with the priority watershed plan, a grantee located within the priority watershed project or priority lake area project shall:
NR 120.12(2)(a)1. 1. Execute a nonpoint source grant agreement with the department for nonpoint source pollution abatement funds necessary to administer cost-share agreements with eligible recipients. This requirement may be waived if the department and the grantee agree to delegate these responsibilities to another grantee.
NR 120.12(2)(a)2. 2. Enter into cost-share agreements with eligible recipients located within its jurisdiction. This requirement may be waived if the department and the grantee agree to delegate this responsibility to another grantee.
NR 120.12(2)(a)3. 3. Be fiscally responsible for the use of cost-share funds provided to cost-share recipients under the nonpoint source grant. Specifically, this includes preparing and maintaining adequate fiscal management and technical assistance files as described in ss. NR 120.25 and 120.26. This requirement may be waived if the department and the grantee agree to delegate these responsibilities to another grantee.
NR 120.12(2)(a)4. 4. Provide the department with verification of proper installation, operation and maintenance of best management practices for agreements in which it is the cost-share grantor.
NR 120.12(2)(a)5. 5. Provide best management practice technical design and installation assistance for all best management practices in cost-share agreements within its jurisdiction. The grantee may assign this requirement to another grantee if approved by the department.
NR 120.12(2)(a)6. 6. Contact all owners or operators of lands identified as significant nonpoint sources in the watershed plan.
NR 120.12(2)(a)7. 7. Participate with the department in the annual watershed project review meeting.
NR 120.12(2)(a)8. 8. Enforce the terms and conditions of the cost-share agreement as described in s. NR 120.13.
NR 120.12(2)(b) (b) A grantee located within the priority watershed project or priority lake area project may identify a lead grantee responsible during the grant period for the following:
NR 120.12(2)(b)1. 1. Local project coordination.
NR 120.12(2)(b)2. 2. Identification of a project manager.
NR 120.12(2)(b)3. 3. Maintenance of project ledgers.
NR 120.12(2)(c) (c) A grantee located within the priority watershed project or priority lake area project shall provide financial support towards the implementation of a project, including, but not limited to, the following:
NR 120.12(2)(c)1. 1. Funding staff support costs necessary for the project that are not provided for in the local assistance grant from DATCP.
NR 120.12(2)(c)2. 2. Funding the local share of any best management practice the grantee installs on property it owns or controls.
NR 120.12(2)(c)3. 3. Funding the local share of items cost-shared in the local assistance grant from DATCP.
NR 120.12(2)(d) (d) Grantees located within the priority watershed project or priority lake area project shall perform inspections beyond the nonpoint source grant period and shall include this activity in the work plan portion of the county land and water resource management plan to ensure that cost-share recipients are complying with the maintenance requirements described in s. NR 120.13.
NR 120.12(3) (3)Sign-up period.
NR 120.12(3)(a)(a) The period in which cost-share agreements may be signed through the nonpoint source grant agreement shall be for a minimum of 3 years but may not extend beyond the grant period. No cost-share agreement, except those signed under a demonstration project, may be signed until after the priority watershed plan has been approved.
NR 120.12(3)(b) (b) A watershed project in planning may choose the specific duration of the sign-up period, provided that all the following conditions are met:
NR 120.12(3)(b)1. 1. The sign-up period is for a minimum of 3 years.
NR 120.12(3)(b)2. 2. The sign-up period is clearly stated in the watershed plan.
NR 120.12(3)(b)3. 3. The watershed plan clearly delineates the procedures necessary for the extension of the sign-up period.
NR 120.12(3)(c) (c) A grantee whose watershed project is in implementation may amend the nonpoint source grant agreement to modify the length of the sign-up period provided that a written grant amendment request and an explanation justifying circumstances is submitted to the department for approval.
NR 120.12(3)(d) (d) The department may unilaterally extend the sign-up period for a project sponsor by amending the nonpoint source grant.
NR 120.12(4) (4)Length of grant period. The grant period of the nonpoint source grant agreement is the period when cost-share funds may be expended.
NR 120.12(4)(a) (a) The department may adjust the grant period to meet budgetary limitations.
NR 120.12(4)(b) (b) Extensions to grant periods shall be consistent with s. 281.65 (5q) or (11), Stats.
NR 120.12(5) (5)Installing best management practices. When installing best management practices, the grantee shall do all of the following:
NR 120.12(5)(a) (a) Comply with the responsibilities stated in s. NR 120.05.
NR 120.12(5)(b) (b) Submit estimates of all practice costs, eligible costs, ineligible costs, cost-share rates and estimated total cost-share amount.
NR 120.12(5)(c) (c) Submit a schedule of installation and maintenance for the practices.
NR 120.12(5)(d) (d) Submit copies of all professional services contracts, construction contracts, bid tabulations, force account proposals, proposals and other related information requested by the department. Professional services contracts exceeding $10,000, or amendments causing the total contract to exceed $10,000, amendments exceeding $10,000 and construction contracts exceeding $35,000 shall be submitted to the department for approval before execution. Force account proposals exceeding $35,000 shall be submitted to the department for approval prior to the initiation of construction.
NR 120.12(5)(e) (e) Repay the department the full amount of funds received if the grantee fails to fulfill any terms of the agreement, including failing to install, operate and properly maintain the practices included in the grant agreement.
NR 120.12(5)(f) (f) Submit a maintenance strategy for the practices.
NR 120.12(5)(g) (g) Agree not to adopt any land use or practice which defeats the purposes of the best management practices.
NR 120.12(5)(h) (h) Comply with the requirements for cost-share agreements specified in s. NR 120.13 (6) to (8).
NR 120.12(6) (6)Expenses. The grantee may use nonpoint source grant funds to cover reasonable expenses necessary to secure refunds, rebates or credits described in s. NR 120.23 when approved by the department.
NR 120.12(7) (7)Funds for easements. The grantee may use nonpoint source easement funds to acquire easements as provided for in s. NR 120.185 (2).
NR 120.12(8) (8)Grant reductions. The department may unilaterally reduce the nonpoint source grant to the amount necessary to meet budgetary limitations. The department shall make every effort to provide funding for projects the grantee has committed to in cost-share agreements and contracts.
NR 120.12(9) (9)Demonstration projects. A governmental unit participating in the preparation of a watershed plan may request from the department a demonstration project nonpoint source grant prior to department approval of the watershed plan. Grant periods of grants awarded for demonstration projects may not exceed 2 years in length. Requests for demonstration projects shall include a summary of the proposed activities and their projected benefits to the watershed or lake project.
NR 120.12(10) (10)Joint allocation plan. The department shall prepare an ACRA for each grantee each calendar year. The department shall provide the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection information about grant decisions it has made under this section for incorporation into the joint allocation plan required under ss. 281.65 (4) (pm) and 92.14 (14), Stats.
NR 120.12 History History: CR 00-028: cr. Register September 2002 No. 561, eff. 10-1-02.
NR 120.13 NR 120.13Cost-share agreement.
NR 120.13(1) (1)Purpose of agreement. The cost-share agreement is an agreement listing the best management practices and establishing the conditions and considerations under which a cost-share recipient agrees to install the practices listed consistent with the watershed plan.
NR 120.13(2) (2)Effective date. For best management practices to be eligible for cost-sharing, the nonpoint source grant agreement and the cost-share agreement shall be signed before the installation of practices may be initiated. A cost-share agreement is not necessary if the nonpoint source grant agreement allows the grantee to use funds directly. Nonpoint source grant agreements used in lieu of cost-share agreements shall comply with the requirements in this section.
NR 120.13(3) (3)Parties to the agreement.
NR 120.13(3)(a)(a) The cost-share agreement shall be between the participating grantee and the individual landowner or landowners if joint owners, land operator or state agency. Agreements with land operators shall be co-signed by the landowner except in instances where the cost-share agreement contains no other practices than those enumerated in sub. (6) (c) 2. If other practices are included in a cost-share agreement amendment, the landowner shall co-sign the amendment.
NR 120.13(3)(b) (b) Governmental units, as cost-share agreement grantors, shall enter into cost-share agreements only during the period specified in the nonpoint source grant.
NR 120.13(3)(c) (c) The cost-share agreement shall apply to all contiguous sites under the same ownership. At the discretion of the governmental unit, the cost-share agreement may also apply to noncontiguous sites under the same ownership or operation in the watershed.
NR 120.13(4) (4)Content of the agreement. The cost-share agreement shall contain or describe:
NR 120.13(4)(a) (a) The name and address of the cost-share recipient.
NR 120.13(4)(b) (b) The best management practices cost-shared and not cost-shared to be applied and the cost-share rates for the practices to be cost-shared.
NR 120.13(4)(c) (c) The estimated total practice cost, cost-share rate and estimated cost-share amount.
NR 120.13(4)(d) (d) The installation schedule for applying the practices. For sites that meet the critical sites criteria, implementation shall begin within 18 months and be completed within 4 years following the effective date of the cost-share agreement.
NR 120.13(4)(e) (e) A statement of maintenance requirements.
NR 120.13(4)(f) (f) A prohibition against adopting any land use or practice which defeats the purposes of the best management practices, the cost-share agreement or the nonpoint source grant agreement.
NR 120.13(4)(g) (g) A provision stating that the governmental unit shall provide appropriate technical assistance during the required operation and maintenance period of the best management practices.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.